God's Own Country
Inilah brand experience dari Kerala, kota setingkat propinsi bagian kecil dari India yang memiliki pesona tersendiri, gaungnyapun memang kalah jika dibandingkan dengan "Incredible India" yang banyak orang lebih mengenalnya. Keunikan dan kekhasan Kerala terletak pada arah eco tourism. Konsep branding yang terstruktur dibumbui dengan ide kreatif yang matang dikemas secara profesional!. Kerala the one of ten paradises of the world - National Geograpic Traveler menyebutnya. Pantas jika disejajarkan dengan brand lainya di India dalam label SuperBrand India.
Dan inilah yang membuat saya semakin resah akan tourism branding kita. Hik...hiks...

Kerala wore a beautiful blue sky with cirrus clouds for the wedding of John and Nicola. Birds sang. The wind stayed faithfully with the hundred guests dressed in traditional Kerala attire, who flew in from Europe, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. At the pier, a special honeymoon houseboat bobbed. Strains of the nadaswaram filled the air. The priest chanted the sacred prayers. As the music reached a gentle crescendo, John tied the thali around Nicola’s neck. They circled the sacred fire thrice. They exchanged rings. And were then pronounced husband and wife. As John and Nicola cruised into a magnificent sunset from Bolgatty Island, they fulfilled their long cherished dream – to get married in the most beautiful place on earth. All that remained was to live happily ever after.

Serefa closed her eyes as Vijaya massaged the warm golden oil into her back in slow, rhythmic movements. Around her, flowers danced. The smell of the oil and the ethereal fragrance of the incense were soothing. This was the last day of the fourteen-day ayurvedic holiday. Fourteen delightful days of rejuvenating regimens, medicated baths and herbal diets. Fourteen days that wiped away a five-year-old backache. Put the confidence back in her stride. The dance back in her limbs. Youth back into her life. And a smile back on her lips. As Serefa packed her bags she knew that Kerala had become an integral part of her life, where she would return year after year to revitalize her body, mind and soul.

Today, her home is where her heart is.
Corinne first saw Krishna on a moonlit night in a temple ground. His eyes, his lips, his demeanour, his attire, everything mesmerized her. She spent an entire evening gazing at him. And somewhere during those magical hours while he engaged in a battle of wits with Arjuna, she fell in love. And a passionate Corinne renounced the world to learn the dance drama called Kathakali Nine years later, she teaches Kathakali to students from across the world. And somewhere in the back of her mind, she knows that she’ll never be able to leave this land where she first met her Krishna.

Dianne stumbled upon the Goddess within..
As Dianne stood with one million women, cooking the favourite food of her Goddess, the heat of the blazing sun and the smoke from the countless pots did not deter her. As her pot boiled, she chanted aloud, knowing that the Goddess had accepted her offering. The priest passed by, blessing the infinite stretch of women - Hindus, Christians, Muslims… As a few drops of water fell on her head, she experienced the joy of a summer shower. In that split second, she knew that she would come again from the other end of the world for this incredible spiritual experience. As incredible as the quality of life and the religious tolerance that had endeared God's Own Country to her.

Print Ads courtesy by Kerala Tourism
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